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10 Feb 2021

We’ve really missed you!

We’ve really missed you!

As I write this, the temperature is about minus 5, flakes of snow are drifting past my office window and outside it’s a white and wintry landscape. And that’s just the weather! Add in a pandemic that’s brought the events industry to its knees and it’s as grim a picture as I can paint! But…but but but, it’s just a snapshot. Infection rates are coming down, the vaccine rollout is in full swing and in D:Ream’s words, things can only get better. We certainly hope so. With so many fireworks displays cancelled last year we’ve really missed seeing all our friends and clients. But while I’m sitting here in a near deserted office, the Fantastic Fireworks team has been working behind the scenes in preparation for the big restart. We’re optimistic that come the summer, outdoor events will get going again, and we’ll be ready to light up the sky. One of the big discussion topics of the lockdown has been about the increasing demand for quiet fireworks displays. It’s being driven by a realisation that the fireworks industry needs to be more sensitive to those who do not like having their peace disturbed and their pets frightened. One of the ways this can be achieved is by understanding the physics of fireworks and how sound travels. A simple example is the aerial shell – the firework that travels hundreds of feet into the sky before exploding in those colourful starbursts we all know and love. The higher it goes, the further the sound travels and the noisier it seems. Just by reducing the height of those starbursts you reduce the noise level. But that’s not all. We have been collaborating with our suppliers to make a wide range of exciting effects that produce very little noise but still look amazing. For all clients asking for quiet or quieter displays we’re able to meet their wishes. That’s not to say that events like Bonfire Night are suddenly going to become a lot less noisy – it’s more that we will no longer go with the ‘one size fits all’ approach to designing our displays. Times have changed and we are alive to our clients’ needs. This is a step in that direction.

'We are very excited to be back at Confex and look forward to meeting old friends and making new ones. There will be plenty to talk about! But if you'd like to discuss your ideas before then please call or email us. We can't wait to get back into the swing!'


fantastic fireworks logo Jon Culverhouse

Telephone: 07788975333



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