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International Confex 2024 Awarded Distinction in ESG Report

International Confex has been awarded a distinction in the latest Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report by event:decision for the most recent 2024 event. This prestigious accolade highlights the events industry's commitment to sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical governance.

The ESG report by event:decision is a comprehensive assessment that evaluates organisations based on 30 event-specific environmental, social, and governance factors. These factors can be rated as Positive (event is actioning this factor), Neutral (event is not actioning this factor), or Not Applicable to this event format. Data points are benchmarked against all events assessed via the event:decision Impact tool. The assessment across 30 ESG factors, benchmarked against all events assessed via the event:decision Impact tool, underscores the depth and breadth of Confex's commitment to sustainable practices. Partnering with event decision-makers throughout the event cycle allowed us to make necessary adjustments and raise awareness of areas where organisers often fall short in sustainability.

Key Highlights of the Accreditation:

Sustainability: Confex 2024 implemented numerous eco-friendly initiatives, including waste reduction programs, energy-efficient practices, and sustainable sourcing of materials. These efforts significantly minimised the event’s carbon footprint and promoted environmental stewardship.

Social Responsibility: The event prioritised inclusivity and diversity, ensuring that all attendees, exhibitors, and stakeholders felt welcomed and valued. Initiatives included accessible event design, diverse speaker panels, and support for underrepresented groups within the industry.

Governance: International Confex adhered to the highest standards of ethical governance, including transparent reporting, stakeholder engagement, and compliance with industry regulations. The distinction reflects the dedication to maintaining integrity and accountability in all its operations.

Jack Newey, Event Director, expressed his delight at the accreditation: “We are honoured to receive this accreditation from event:decision. It is a testament to the team’s hard work and unwavering commitment to creating a sustainable and inclusive event that sets new standards in the industry. We believe that events will continue to drive positive change, and this recognition reinforces our desire to continue leading by example.”

With a successful year behind Confex, Mash Media now focuses on planning for the 2025 event with an emphasis on maintaining ESG achievements and growing the event for stakeholders.

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