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International Confex 2024


The power of gamification for engagement

29 Feb 2024
Association & Corporate Event Theatre
Corporate Event Theatre

Gamification is a great tool for brand awareness inside and outside of the company.

In business, we play to help engage, motivate the audience and enhance the user experience. Gamification can be used to spice up a marketing campaign, engage the entire audience at your conference, or help your team get used to a new office. It is an excellent tool to use at almost every stage of the employee life cycle (recruitment, selection, on-boarding, retention, training and development), because it helps you find the exciting/enjoyable/engaging parts of the workflow. And instead of doing tedious work, you can have a real experience in your workplace.

We will demonstrate the power and impact of workplace and event gamification by listening to real case studies

Through the example of one of the biggest business festivals in Hungary and the CEE region (Business Fest), we will show how to design a community framework game in the background and how to achieve greater engagement from participants. How basic game mechanics and an engaging background story guide the decisions, curiosity and attention of participants. We'll show how this can be achieved in virtual space, with the help of a retiring superhero and his AI chatbot sidekick, who are looking for his successor among the audience.

But gamification can also play a huge role in shaping communities at work. Through case studies of two international companies, we explore how a work community facing a new situation can strengthen its commitment to the employer. We show how moving to a new office with hundreds of people can be an experience and fun that builds future collaboration and a desire for personal interaction. We explore the role of behavioural science, game design and compelling storytelling, from secret agents fighting against a colorful villain to fearless pirates sailing the Seven Seas as multiple teams to contest for the title of the prettiest pirate ship.

Peter Kalmar, Founder, CEO - [eureka] Consulting & Games


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