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International Confex 2024


Revenue growth for associations - How to get the big bucks!

28 Feb 2024
Association & Corporate Event Theatre
Association Theatre

On the face of it, revenue growth is an increasing challenge for event professionals in associations. Delegates don’t want to pay, they are registering later and later, and sponsors want to spend less and less.
Rob Eveleigh, Managing Director of Brightelm, an events agency dedicated to associations, will lead a hands-on workshop exploring opportunities to increase ticket sales and increase sponsorship revenue.
Bring your strategies and your laptops with you as Rob brings his experience of helping associations increase event surpluses to help you uncover a ways that you can charge more, sell more tickets, have sponsors spending more, and increase the number of sponsors and exhibitors.
Be prepared to think laterally and uncover a whole new world of opportunity.

Rob Eveleigh, Managing Director - Brightelm


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