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International Confex 2024


Making Events Net Positive - a regenerative approach to carbon footprint management

28 Feb 2024
Sustainability Theatre
Sustainability Theatre

Objective: To provide event organisers with actionable insights on implementing sustainable practices that enhance both their business and environmental impact.

The aim of this session is to equip you with actionable insights on how to achieve sustainable events that are Net Positive not only for the planet but also for your bottom line.

The session kicks off with a deep dive into the concept of Net Positivity. We'll explore a regenerative approach that goes beyond environmental neutrality and creates positive impacts for the planet and also for your business.

Using event specific software we will show you how you can calculate and offset your events, identify the costs and how to roll this into your strategy and budgeting for your next event.

Dr. William Beer, Chief Executive Officer - Tunley Environmental
Ric Porteus, Chief Executive Officer - One Tribe


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