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International Confex 2024


IPMX - an emerging standard to simplify moving high-quality media content- in real-time - over venue networks

28 Feb 2024
Event Tech Theatre
Event Tech Theatre

Every conference organizer wants 'best quality' media streamed throughout their event - until the cost is considered.
Organizers of every conference that will be televised wants 'broadcast quality' infrastructure for media throughout their venue - until the complexity is considered.

There is a 'sea-change' happening in terms of moving 'real-time' media, in the right quality, over easy-to-set-up networks, which are themselves compatible with the network needs of all the other users in the venue.

IPMX is a non-proprietary, standards-based, set of protocols which represents the next generation of 'AV over IP'. It's derived from a broadcast standard - to support whichever quality is appropriate - from studio to digital signage - but engineered to be 'easy to set up and maintain' by the AV folks in the venue.

As one of the manufacturers involved in the alliance (AIMS) that is shaping the standard, and with engineers participating in the forums that are developing it - Matrox is well positioned to provide insight on what it all means to facilities management and conference organizers.

Rob Moodey, Manager, Strategic Alliances - Matrox Video


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