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international confex 2023

Speed Networking

Expoplatform Hall: Excel London Stand: L8C

How it Works

Let’s start


  • Welcome to the session. You start when organizers scan badges to check in participants.
  • Emails are sent so users can join the interface. Participants will receive a link to the speed networking interface.    


Choose, Vote, Get Matched


  • Users receive an AI-generated list of potential matches. They choose their favorites on the app with a simple vote. Experiences can be tailored to meet interests.
  • The final schedule is then received through email and app. Table assignments detail the route of fast-paced meetings once check-in time ends.


Ready, Set, Connect!


  • Your speed matchmaking session is underway. Organizers pre-decide the length of meetings and breaks.
  • Now it’s time to rate your meetings! This is where users score how well the session went.
  • That’s it – the speed networking session is over. Congratulations on making quick, quality connections!


