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Exhibitor Products

international confex 2023

04 Dec 2023

Silent Seminar

AV Department Limited Stand: ETL7
  • Silent Seminar
  • Silent Seminar
Silent Seminar Silent Seminar

Allowing multiple meetings to take place in a single space reduces overall noise pollution and saves on hiring multiple break out spaces. This is also an ideal way to combat the poor acoustics found in spaces not normally utilised for meetings including factories and warehouses. This is achieved by personalising the audio via a dedicated multichannel receiver allowing the delegate to select the audio they need to listen to. 

Our systems use proven Infra Red technology for upto 32 channels. The signal is contained within the room and there is no issues with congested RF spectrum and no need for licences.

So if you have a troublesome venue or are tight for space but need multiple breakouts we have the solution for you.

(The images show an event where 16 channels of stereo audio are broadcast to an audience viewing 16 films simultaniously. The group rotate around the screens selecting the channel displayied on the screen to then listen to its sound track)
