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Exhibitor Products

international confex 2023

04 Feb 2025

1-to-1 Meetings at Events

Delegate Select Hall: Excel London Stand: C16C

Our solutions fall into two basic categories:

Self-scheduled: Here, one or two groups of attendees arrange meetings among themselves at mutually available times without intervention by the organizer. The system is smart enough not to present meeting times where one or both participants are otherwise engaged (i.e. scheduled to attend a programme session, not present at the event, or scheduled to be in another meeting.) 

Curated: This format accounts for almost 50% of the events run by Delegate Select's clients and is the most sophisticated solution of its type on the market. It is ideal where some participants are in great demand while others are not, but the organizer is obligated to produce balanced meeting schedules for attendees and meet minimum meeting targets for suppliers/sponsors.
