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international confex 2023

12 Feb 2024

Eventflow on "The Tech Business Podcast" hosted by Paul Essery

Eventflow Stand: ETL5
Eventflow on
Back in December, our very own Christian Skelton was a guest on "The Tech Business Podcast" hosted by Paul Essery.
Back in December, our very own Christian Skelton was a guest on "The Tech Business Podcast" hosted by Paul Essery.

Back in December, our very own Christian Skelton was a guest on "The Tech Business Podcast" hosted by Paul Essery. In the episode, they jumped into the transformative power of technology in event management, spotlighting Eventflow's pivotal role in reshaping the humble exhibitor manual.

They also explored the disruptive potential of AI in creative industries, a journey that ultimately inspired Eventflow's development.

Listen to the full episode here:

A huge thank you to Paul Essery for having us!
